Wednesday, September 30, 2009

On Today's Gross Reality: Managing Litigation Costs & How to be Prepared for E-Discovery with Cary Ichter

Be sure to listen to Steve Gross' Gross Reality radio show LIVE on America's Web Radio today at 5! Today's guest is Cary Ichter, Partner at Adorno & Yoss LLC. On today's show, Steve and Cary will discuss the topic, "Managing Litigation Costs & How to be Prepared for E-Discovery."

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Business Builders Team Seminar Tomorrow! Healthcare Reform: Intelligent Change or Disaster? An Enlightening Look at the Impact on Business

Get excited! Tomorrow is the next Business Builders Team Business Seminar, featuring James Purcell & Mike Cadger of Georgia Healthcare Leadership Council (GHLC). They will share with you their unique perspective on trends, updates and insights for the path that lies ahead.

The impact of our health care system on business is immeasurable. What happens in Washington will have a profound impact on business owners and individuals. What is really going on, where are the flaws, and what are practical options for decreasing costs and improving care?

This seminar will be tomorrow, September 30 at the Terry College Executive Education Center in Buckhead, directly across from Lenox Mall. Sign-in and networking 7:30 - 8:00am; speaker until 9:30.

Please contact klaconi (at) for more information or to reserve your space!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Gross Reality's Sept 23 Show w/ Jeff Plank: Business Valuation - What is Your Business Worth?

On the September 23rd broadcast (below) of "Gross Reality," Steve Gross discussed our current economic situation and how it affects business valuation with Jeff Plank, Manager of Consulting Services HLB Gross Collins, P.C. The topic of this show is "Business Valuation - What is Your Business Worth?"

Steve Gross is the executive director of Business Builders Team and a founding partner of HLB Gross Collins. His radio show is dedicated to helping businesses and individuals survive and prosper in good & bad economic times. Steve opens every show with the theme of "the Good, the Bad, & the Ugly," a platform for the latest economic news.

Listen live to "Gross Reality" every Wednesday at 5 pm ET on America's Web Radio!

Click here to listen to Gross Reality:


Wednesday, September 23, 2009

On Today's Gross Reality: Business Valuation - What is Your Business Worth? With Guest Jeff Plank

Be sure to check out Steve Gross' Gross Reality radio show LIVE on America's Web Radio today at 5! Today's guest is Jeff Plank, Manager of Consulting Services HLB Gross Collins, P.C. On today's show, Steve and Jeff will discuss the topic, "Business Valuation - What is Your Business Worth?"

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Gross Reality's Sept 16 Show w/ Jim Hansberger: Managing Your Assets in a Complex & Changing World

On the September 16th broadcast (below) of "Gross Reality," Steve Gross discussed our current economic situation and how it affects asset management with Jim Hansberger, Managing Director of Wealth Management for The Hansberger Group at Smith Barney. The topic of this show is "Managing Your Assets in a Complex and Changing World."

Steve Gross is the executive director of Business Builders Team and a founding partner of HLB Gross Collins. His radio show is dedicated to helping businesses and individuals survive and prosper in good & bad economic times. Listen live to "Gross Reality" every Wednesday at 5 pm on America's Web Radio!

Click here to listen to Gross Reality:


Wednesday, September 16, 2009

On Today's Gross Reality: Managing Your Assets in a Complex and Changing World w/ Jim Hansberger

Be sure to check out Steve Gross' Gross Reality radio show LIVE on America's Web Radio today at 5! Today's guest is Jim Hansberger, Managing Director of Wealth Management for The Hansberger Group at Smith Barney. On today's show, Steve and Jim will discuss the topic, "Managing Your Assets in a Complex and Changing World."

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Business Builders Team Business Seminar Series - Healthcare Reform: Intelligent Change or Disaster? An Enlightening Look at the Impact on Business

The next Business Builders Team Business Seminar will feature James Purcell & Mike Cadger of Georgia Healthcare Leadership Council (GHLC). They will share with you their unique perspective on trends, updates and insights for the path that lies ahead.

The impact of our health care system on business is immeasurable. What happens in Washington will have a profound impact on business owners and individuals. What is really going on, where are the flaws, and what are practical options for decreasing costs and improving care?

This seminar will be on September 30 at the Terry College Executive Education Center in Buckhead, directly across from Lenox Mall. Sign-in and networking 7:30 - 8:00am; speaker until 9:30.

Please contact klaconi (at) for more information or to reserve your space!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Gross Reality's Sept 9 Show w/ Carlos Quintero: Making the Leap from Sales Manager to Sales Leader

On the September 9th broadcast (below) of "Gross Reality," Steve Gross discussed sales leadership with Carlos Quintero, author of Catalyst5 - Making the Leap from Sales Manager to Sales LEADER and Founder of Sales Effectiveness, Inc.

The topic of this show is "Making the Leap from Sales Manager to Sales Leader." Now more than ever businesses are depending upon strong leadership and creativity in the salesforce, striving for growth in the face of a difficult economy.

Steve Gross is the executive director of Business Builders Team and a founding partner of HLB Gross Collins. His radio show is dedicated to helping businesses and individuals survive and prosper in good & bad economic times. Listen live to "Gross Reality" every Wednesday at 5 pm on America's Web Radio!

Click here to listen to Gross Reality:


Wednesday, September 9, 2009

On Today's Gross Reality: Making the Leap from Sales Manager to Sales Leader w/ Carlos Quintero

Be sure to check out Steve Gross' Gross Reality radio show LIVE on America's Web Radio today at 5! Today's guest is Carlos Quintero, Author of Catalyst5: Making the Leap from Sales Manager to Sales Leader and Founder of Sales Effectiveness, Inc. On today's show, Steve and Carlos will discuss the topic, "Making the Leap from Sales Manager to Sales Leader."

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Basics Of Social Media ROI

During a #socialmedia chat today on Twitter, it became obvious that a major challenge for the use of social media in business is proving the case that it works. After all, in this economy, resources are limited. The question of ROI comes into play whenever resources must be allocated. A new set of technologies that provides a combination of PR and CRM into one channel clearly should not be ignored. But how does management decide to integrate it into a company's marketing plan? And how to decide if it is working?

From a college course in experimental design comes one important principle: Correlation does not imply causation. Because the tools to measure the success of social media are still being developed, it is difficult to prove a causal relationship. Until tools for social media metrics are more sophisticated and more seamlessly integrated into a company's marketing campaigns and reporting, correlation will be relied upon rather than causation to make the case and to adjust corporate strategy for social media. As slides 35-47 and 49-58 point out, creating a timeline and searching for patterns is, for now, the best way to determine whether the corporate SM strategy is working.

The larger question of how to translate followers and blog subscribers to actual sales is complicated by one confounding variable: What effect does social media have on branding? It is difficult to measure the benefits of customer service, transparency, information, and general "likability" that can be accomplished via Twitter or Blogger. How does the average small business track social media's effect on a brand when it is expensive to create polls and surveys? It is here that the large companies have a leg-up in gauging the effect of their social media strategy on their brand.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Gross Reality's Sept 2 Show w/ Gary Williams: Understanding Insurance and How to Save Up to 50% On Your Insurance Premiums

On the September 2nd broadcast (below) of "Gross Reality," Steve Gross discussed insurance with Gary Williams, Insurance Agent/Broker, who works nationally with wealth planners, accountants & attorneys, and banks. The topic of this show is "Understanding Insurance and How to Save Up to 50% On Your Insurance Premiums." In these economic times being smart about insurance can save you money while protecting your assets as well as your family's and business' future.

Steve Gross is the executive director of Business Builders Team and a founding partner of HLB Gross Collins. His radio show is dedicated to helping businesses and individuals survive and prosper in good & bad economic times. Listen live to "Gross Reality" every Wednesday at 5 pm on America's Web Radio!

Click here to listen to Gross Reality:


Wednesday, September 2, 2009

On Today's Gross Reality: Understanding Insurance & How to Save Up to 50% On Your Insurance Premiums w/ Gary Williams

Be sure to check out Steve Gross' Gross Reality radio show LIVE on America's Web Radio today at 5! Today's guest is Gary Williams, Insurance Agent/Broker, who works nationally with wealth planners, accountants & attorneys, and banks. Steve and Gary will discuss the topic, "Understanding Insurance and How to Save Up to 50% On Your Insurance Premiums." In this economy in which every penny counts, this is an hour you do not want to miss.

Reading Assignments:

Organizational Chart of the House Democrats’ Health Plan
Source: Joint Economic Committee, Republican Staff